Friday, 7 October 2011

Enveloped by Love

Often I wonder how we manage to get by.  Lord knows life has its challenges.  Some of us put up a front while we suffer quietly because pride stands in the way of asking for help.  Some of us resort to being negative and reciting the “woe is me” speech to anyone who will listen.  Some of us try all sorts of tactics and manoeuvres to get what we need.  Some of us – some very few of us – look to God who owns everything.  To Him who owns the cattle on a thousand hills [Psalm 50:10].

I think at any given point in my life, I have been “some” in all these categories.  We often get ourselves into a fix and try worm our way out.  Only when we fail, do we bother to run to the Lord for His divine intervention.  Why don’t we just exercise some patience and wait on Him?  Why don’t we just rely on His promises of unfailing, unconditional love?  Why don’t we just remember that even when we are faithless, God remains faithful?

The sooner we realise that we can’t do it alone, but that God actually wants to lavish His love on us, the sooner we can experience the overwhelmingly secure embrace of His love.  One thing for sure, I am enveloped by Love.  You may be wondering how I can be so confident in that fact.  The thing is that you may not know the look of Love.  So what does Jesus look like?  What does this Love look like?  It looks like Kgabo.  It looks like Mackenzie.  It looks like Bevan.  Like Candice and Andrew.  Like Jacqui and Mokete.  Like Mandla and Lungi.  Like Sisanda and Bonnie.  Like Mankoana and Nzuzo.  Like Humphrey and Chinelle.  It certainly looks like my parents and siblings.  Love looks like anyone who has ever extended their grace, support, forgiveness, kindness, generosity, or shoulder when we needed it. 

Don’t be afraid to ask for help, for help will surely come.  Jesus will send His army of angels, heaven-bound or otherwise, to come to the rescue.  We have lived through that truth, so you better believe it will happen for you!

Be blessed J

Thursday, 22 September 2011

A need to be needed

Yesterday I sat and watched as my colleague frantically ran around the office like a maniac.  Sales day at our business looks like this every month.  Things are left to the very last minute, leaving the key players to scramble to meet the 12h00 deadline.  What I see gives me much insight into the way we are wired as humans.

My colleague’s role in sales is actually a function that should be done by someone else in another department, but that’s a story for another day.  So often he’ll sit and whine about how no one appreciates him and how a lot is expected of him without the recognition.  Most of us may not necessarily be doing what we enjoy doing, but we do want to be remembered for playing a pivotal enough role to leave some sort of a legacy when we leave.  This has led me to this revelation: we all have a need to be needed. 

When the clock struck 12h00, the system closed down, blocking any incomplete sales.  They sat in anticipation of the system opening again; an undeserved grace they seemed to get monthly.  Not this time.  Even then, my colleague sat at his desk after the “going home” siren had sounded.  He insisted that he might be needed if the system restarted.  Even when his manager told him to go home as nothing could be done, he sat and stated to me as-a-matter-of fact that no one can do what does so they need him.  The thing is, they can.  They choose not to.  All I could do was smile with God as He revealed this truth to me.

Now if we can just learn that we are already important to God, we might stop trying to please man.  To my colleague’s credit, he is a loyal, hard worker but he seeks approval from the wrong place.  If we live by the truth that we were created to give glory to God and God alone, we will be secure in our worth.  We won’t need to hold on to our titles and possessions to feel significant.  The mere fact that you were created means you have a role to play in the world.  God does not create waste!

Ecclesiastes 5:20 says that God will keep man so occupied with gladness in his heart as he works that man will not need to reflect on his days (or his worth).  So let’s do what we do as unto the Lord and not unto men, dear friends!  Let us stop seeking approval in the wrong places because God has already put His stamp of approval on us.  WE ARE GOD’S PROPERTY!

Friday, 9 September 2011


Those who know me know that when I get excited about something, I REALLY get excited.  I’m what you would call an eager beaver!  LOL!  So what am I excited about this time?

If you have not heard the latest delivery from The We Will Worship Arts Foundation, then I feel the need to just pray for you!  You NEED to hear it!  You need to own it!  You NEED to hear it!  You need to own it!  Seriously, every household needs to own at least one.  I have been playing mine for the last 3 days without ceasing.  At work, at home, in the car.  I am totally in my happy space with God! 

Every single track has touched my heart is a special and significant way.  Tracks like Malibongwe, Jeso Konyana, Ngob’akekho and Bayethe have reminded me of the need to keep praising and lifting Jesus higher.  We’re facing many storms right now, so this couldn’t have come at a better time in our lives.  Glory on Egoli and City of God are encouraging me to think beyond my circumstances.  The call to love our neighbours (our city, our country, our continent and the world) is louder than ever!  We should not allow our situations to cause us to drop our guard when it comes to praying and reaching out to the lost.  Baptise us leaves you drenched in the anointing as you soak in His awesomeness.  A love that’s You is a huge reminder of everlasting love.  This revolutionary crowd of gifted people has truly captured the heart of Abba Father through this spectacular album!

The song that has been my greatest comfort is definitely Nothing’s impossible, written by the anointed General Langa Mbonambi and sung by the lovely Keletso Mpisane.  The lyrics have ministered to me in a mightily transformational way and have stirred a faith I cannot even understand.  Even as I type, I can see the battle that the Holy Spirit is waging on my behalf in the heavenly realm!  I will not nullify the power of God by doubting.  This beautiful love song is carrying my fears and doubts and casting them in hell where they belong…

Just to put it out there: I’m not leaving out the other songs because I don’t like them.  They are all amazing!  They all carry the ultimate theme of God’s love for us.  I have never liked 13 tracks of a 13-track album!  This is definitely a first for me.  So why not get yourself a copy and see what I’m hyped up about?  Then you can witness for yourself what I have encountered!

WARNING: The contents of this CD WILL get you hooked on to Jesus!  You WILL worship.  WE WILL WORSHIP!

Monday, 15 August 2011

Our sole purpose is soul-purpose

We all think this is what we were created for! LOL!
Luke 16:10 has been hounding my heart lately. Hubby shared it as a tithing and offering message at church a few weeks ago, and my mind has been racing since. The scripture obviously talks specifically about money, but so many things h ave been laid on my heart in that regard since then.

God expects much from us because He entrusted us with much.  We spend so much of our time fretting over our needs and wants that we forget that our sole purpose is to glorify Him by the extension of His Kingdom. Has He not said, "Do not worry"? Has He not said that He will provide? Has He not promised never to leave us nor forsake us? Then why, oh why, are we still dwelling on provision issues rather than winning souls?

If we can't be faithful with material things, i.e. money, how can He trust us with precious souls? Come now. Let's stop getting ourselves entangled in unnecessarily uncomfortable situations of debt and lack. Let's start living as He intended for us. Let's put Him to the test by delighting ourselves in Him and watch as He lavishes us with our hearts' desires - which are in line with His perfect will (Psalm 37:4)! So leave the accounting to the Master Accountant and concentrate on the Mission at hand. Let's go!

Friday, 24 June 2011

As we progress...

Warrior Princess Mackenzie with her army gear!

 Time indeed has a way of just flying by…  Often we think it will wait for us, but that’s not how life goes.  Without our approval, things continue to progress.  I can’t believe that Mackenzie will be 8 months old in a few days!  It’s amazing to see God’s glory in this precious little life everyday.  She spoke her first word 3 weeks ago.  No, it wasn’t “mama”.  It was “papa”!  After 9 months of gaining weight and getting stretch marks, this is the thanks I get!  Ha-ha-ha!  It’s incredible to see the connection between daddy and daughter.  My eyes are often wet from the emotions I experience when I watch them playing together.  I’m really getting to see the father heart of God in these stellar times.  That’s how I imagine God the Father wants to engage with us.  My prayer is that we can cultivate an attitude of drawing closer to Him daily.

When we begin to be Mackenzies to our Father God – without any doubt or fear that daddy may not want to be with me, we will truly experience the abundant life He has in store for us!  All we need to do is meet Him at that point where He’s waiting for us.  He really just wants to love on us and help grow.  Soon we will be speaking words of wisdom and power just like the Warrior Princess Mackenzie is learning new words daily. 

Let’s draw near to Him and He will surely draw near to us. J

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Kraalbaai, jou lekker ding!

WOW!  WOW!  WOW!  This place is amazing!  Thanks to Andrew and Candice Stevens for introducing us to such beauty!

Momma lurvin' at the beach!

Daddy cool!

I'm just cute! #AsYouWere
I could keep adding more pics just to show off...
And so I shall! He-he!

And I just looooooooooooooooooove this pic below!
Too precious!  And oh so artist... That's my daddy's doing :)

Bye the Maqubela family...

This is the stunning view you see from the lovely gardens of Kirstenbosch!  Cape Town has so much to offer and we have the pleasure of exploring it as a family!  We were here on Saturday, 12 February, bidding farewell to our friends, Lindi & Lonwabo & Tsepang.  They're moving to Johannesburg.

Funny enough, we don't have a pic with the family in question!  LOL!  But it was a great time of fun, friend and food.

About Me

I'm a daughter of God Almighty. I'm a dedicated wife to a phenomenal husband, DJ Kgabz. I'm a mother to THEE most beautiful little girls, Mackenzie, Mickaela and Makeida. I am completely devoted to my God-given calling of Christian wife and mother!